My pal Stephen Pierce is about to speak at Tony Robbins' Wealth Mastery event in Melbourne, Australia.
Stephen's really stoked about this one--he LOVES being Down Under, especially when he gets to hang out at a Tony Robbins' event.
But then he mentioned something that made me giggle like a youngster. The event is being held at a complex...on Batman Avenue.
Yep, Batman Avenue. Tell me you're not hearing the theme music in your head right now.
Naturally, that got my imagination whirling. Suddenly, I could see Tony's crew and Stephen jumping out on stage, all decked out in Batman and Robin garb.

( Incidently, here's a photo of me in a batman suit!! *chuckle*)
Duh-duh-duh- DAAAAAH!
(Where they found tights big enough to fit Stephen's massive frame is beyond me, but I digress...)
This mental picture seemed so amusing to me, but when I relayed it to Stephen, he didn't seem nearly as amused.
Hmmmm. Maybe I should've kept the remark about the tights to myself.
But then he told me what he was planning for the 72 hours of the event, And I stopped laughing--because my jaw had hit the floor.
The Power To Create Wealth
It's like this: Stephen's entire 3-1/2 hour presentation at Wealth Mastery is going to be
available for download or streaming on the internet.
That means every word, every phrase, every profit- packed wealth generating tip that seminar attendees are paying nearly $5000 for will be on it.
But that's not all...
Then he's going to throw in a 116-page study guide with step-by-step instructions on how to build your own multi-million dollar business online.
This is the same can't miss process that took Stephen from watching blood spurt from a gunshot wound to becoming one of the most successful speakers and marketers in the world today.
You gotta hear this story...I've heard it a hundred times and it still blows me away.
Stephen Pierce at Wealth Mastery
Finally, to top it all off, he's going to sit down and chat with you during a live, members-only
teleseminar following the event.
So you not only get a DVD video and a study guide, you get all your questions answered directly from the Super Hero's mouth, so to speak.
Can you think of anything better to help take your first step on the road to wealth mastery than some one-on-one time with the guy who's showing you exactly how to do it?
Yeah, me neither.
But here's the part that still has me trying to scoop my jaw off the floor...
Stephen's offering the whole shebang-- his 3-1/2 hour presentation, 116-page study guide, and one-on-one Q&A time, for less than 1/20th of the seminar price during this limited-time pre-sale.
It's true--while a bunch of Aussies are taking out second mortgages to pay for their seminar fees, you'll be well on your way to success, freedom, and wealth mastery...for a fraction of the price.
Yep, I'm thinking the same thing.
Holy highway robbery, Batman!
Look, I know the quality of Stephen's stuff. I've got a ton of it in my harddisk, in my office complete with dogeared pages,scratched CDs, and worn out DVDs from years of use.
And I know how he overdelivers. This is a guy who gives it to you straight--no punches pulled, no fluff, no chain-yanking. Just hard-hitting content that works.
Every time.
So if you want the flavor of the month, do us both a favor and don't click on the link below.
But if you want a plug-and-play system that's guaranteed to build your business in record time and bring in massive profits with minimum effort, then you owe it to yourself to at least take a look.
Stephen Pierce at Wealth Mastery
Remember--this exclusive offer is only availablefor the next 69 hours by the time I post this!! After in another 60 hours plus it's goes away forever. So grab your copy now while you're thinking about it.